Join our passionate volunteer guides for a tour of the oldest continually operating railway engineering works in the world.

Discover how the Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railways have used heritage skills to build and maintain steam locomotives and carriages for over three centuries.

Boston Lodge is the engineering works of the Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railways. The present workforce is continuing a long-established tradition of innovation and quality.

The Works is recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest in the world and is unique in having built steam locomotives in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

The tour starts from Porthmadog’s Harbour Station with a short train ride across the Cob embankment to the Works. Here you will be immersed in tales of past and present. Discover the colourful characters who have worked at Boston Lodge. Uncover how the railway has shaped local landscapes and communities, and influenced railway development around the world!

The oldest building on the site is over 200 years old, and the newest – the purpose-built Small Locomotive Shed – has just been completed to allow visitors to see some of our world-famous locomotives.

Please note that children under the age of 10 are unfortunately not permitted on-site for safety reasons. Children over the age of 10 are welcome to come along with a responsible adult to explore this pioneering site. Dogs are not allowed at Boston Lodge.

There are no café facilities at Boston Lodge. Spooner’s Café & Bar at Harbour Station gives you an opportunity to grab a drink or enjoy a delicious meal before or after any tour.

What do I need to know before I come?

Boston Lodge is a working engineering site with rails and uneven surfaces throughout and is often muddy in places. This is combined with frequent vehicle and train movements. Due to the uneven ground and the amount of walking involved, the tour is not accessible to wheelchair users or people who are not fully mobile without assistance. Your sight must be sufficient to see potential dangers yourself.

Please watch this safety briefing before booking as it will help you understand what the site is like.

What to wear

Please wear warm clothes and bring a waterproof as the weather can be unpredictable. Stout shoes, preferably walking boots, must be worn. Anyone wearing sandals or open-toed shoes will not be allowed on the tour.

Getting here

You will be met at Harbour Station by a Tour Guide before being taken to Boston Lodge on a scheduled train service where you will be given a safety briefing.

Car parking for our visitors is available in the fenced area at the end of the nearby Llyn Bach car park (LL49 9DF), a short walk away from Porthmadog Harbour Station. Parking is free for Railway passengers in this section only. The car park is open from 0730 – 2000 and is available on a first come first served basis. The remainder of this car park is council run and the appropriate fee should be paid (see map). Disabled badge holders may park at the station and should make themselves known to a station host on arrival. Please do not leave dogs unattended in vehicles.

Ymunwch â’n tywyswyr gwirfoddol angerddol ar gyfer taith o amgylch y safe gwaith peirianneg rheilffordd hynaf yn y byd sy’n gweithredu’n barhaus.

Darganfyddwch sut mae Rheilffyrdd Ffestiniog ac Eryri wedi defnyddio sgiliau treftadaeth i adeiladu a chynnal locomotifau a cherbydau stêm ers dros dair canrif.

Boston Lodge yw safle gwaith peirianneg Rheilffyrdd Ffestiniog ac Eryri. Mae’r gweithlu presennol yn parhau â thraddodiad hir sefydlog o arloesi ac ansawdd.

Mae’r safleoedd gwaith yn cael eu cydnabod gan y Guinness Book of World Records fel yr hynaf yn y byd ac mae’n unigryw o ran adeiladu locomotifau stêm yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, yr ugeinfed ganrif a’r unfed ganrif ar hugain.  

Mae’r daith yn cychwyn o Orsaf Harbwr Porthmadog gyda thaith fer ar y trên ar draws arglawdd y Cob i’r weithfa. Yma byddwch yn clywed straeon am y gorffennol a’r presennol. Fe gewch wybod am y cymeriadau lliwgar sydd wedi gweithio yn Boston Lodge. Dewch o hyd i sut mae’r rheilffordd wedi llunio tirweddau a chymunedau lleol, ac wedi dylanwadu ar ddatblygiad rheilffyrdd ledled y byd!

Mae’r adeilad hynaf ar y safle dros 200 mlwydd oed, ac mae’r adeilad mwyaf newydd – sef y sied locomotif bach pwrpasol – newydd gael ei gwblhau i ganiatáu i ymwelwyr weld rhai o’n locomotifau byd-enwog.

Sylwer na chaniateir i blant o dan 10 oed fod ar y safle am resymau diogelwch. Mae croeso i blant dros 10 oed ddod gydag oedolyn cyfrifol i archwilio’r safle arloesol hwn. Ni chaniateir cŵn yn Boston Lodge.

Nid oes cyfleusterau caffi yn Boston Lodge. Mae Caffi a Bar Spooners yng Ngorsaf yr Harbwr yn rhoi cyfle i chi gael diod neu fwynhau pryd o fwyd blasus cyn neu ar ôl unrhyw daith.

Beth sydd angen i mi ei wybod cyn i mi gyrraedd?

Mae Boston Lodge yn safle peirianneg gweithredol gyda chledrau ac arwynebau anwastad ac yn aml mae’n fwdlyd mewn rhai llefydd. Mae hyn ogystal â symudiadau cerbydau a threnau sy’n digwydd yn aml. Oherwydd y tir anwastad a faint o gerdded sy’n gysylltiedig â hynny, nid yw’r daith yn hygyrch i ddefnyddwyr cadair olwyn na phobl nad ydynt yn gallu symud o gwmpas heb gymorth. Rhaid i’ch golwg fod yn ddigon da i weld peryglon posibl eich hun.

Gwyliwch y briff diogelwch hwn cyn archebu lle gan y bydd yn eich helpu i ddeall sut le yw’r safle.

Beth i’w wisgo

Gwisgwch ddillad cynnes a dewch â dillad sy’n dal dŵr efo chi oherwydd gall y tywydd fod yn anrhagweladwy. Gwisgwch esgidiau priodol, esgidiau cerdded yn ddelfrydol. Ni chaniateir i unrhyw un sy’n gwisgo sandalau neu esgidiau agored gymryd rhan ar y daith.

Cyrraedd yma

Bydd Tywysydd Teithiau yn cyfarfod â chi yng Ngorsaf yr Harbwr ac yn rhoi briff diogelwch i chi cyn i chi gael eich hebrwng i Boston Lodge ar drên wedi’i drefnu ymlaen llaw.

Mae llefydd parcio ar gael i ymwelwyr yn yr ardal â ffens o’i chwmpas ar ddiwedd maes parcio Llyn Bach gerllaw, cam byr i ffwrdd o Orsaf Harbwr Porthmadog. Mae parcio ar gael am ddim i deithwyr y rheilffordd yn y man hwn yn unig. Mae’r maes parcio ar agor o 0730 – 2000 ac mae ar gael ar sail cyntaf i’r felin. Mae gweddill y maes parcio hwn yn cael ei gynnal gan y cyngor a dylid talu’r ffi briodol (gweler y map). Gall deiliaid bathodyn anabl barcio yn yr orsaf a dylent wneud eu hunain yn hysbys i westeiwr yr orsaf wrth iddynt gyrraedd. Peidiwch â gadael cŵn yn ddioruchwyliaeth mewn cerbydau.

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