Ever wondered what goes on at our historic Boston Lodge workshops?
Well wonder no more… as we have five ‘Behind the Scenes’ tours taking place over the coming months!
13:30 – 19th of September 2023
13:00 – 11th of October 2023
10:00 – 31st of October 2023
13:00 – 20th of November 2023
10:00 – 12th of December 2023
Our experienced Tour Guides will take you on a fascinating guided walk around the works, explaining progress on the restoration work of both listed and new buildings, showing you all that’s going on in the erecting shop, as well as an opportunity to admire the craftsmanship at the carriage works.
Don’t just take our word for it, here’s feedback from a recent visitor:
“What a great experience! I would recommend this to everyone. It was wonderful to get to look around Boston Lodge on such an informative, witty and entertaining tour around the workshops, I, along with others on the tour were blown away by the sheer history of the place. Loved every minute!” – Phil
These tours will be free to all, whether you’re a steam train enthusiast or simply curious to see what goes on at the works!
Please note some age and accessibility restrictions apply, further details on the NLHF website: https://nlhfproject.festrail.co.uk/workshops/
Book your tickets by contacting James Kindberg: jkindberg@ffwhr.com
Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl beth sy’n mynd ymlaen yn ein gweithdai hanesyddol Boston Lodge?
Wel dyma eich cyfle i dderbyn yr atebion mwy… gan fod gennym ni bum taith ‘Tu ôl i’r Llenni’ yn cael eu cynnal dros y misoedd nesaf!
13:30 – 19eg o Fedi 2023
13:00 – 11eg o Hydref 2023
10:00 – 31ain o Hydref 2023
13:00 – 20fed of Dachwedd 2023
10:00 – 12fed o Ragfyr 2023
Bydd ein Tywyswyr Teithiau profiadol yn mynd â chi ar daith dywys hynod ddiddorol o amgylch y gweithdai, gan esbonio’r cynnydd ar y gwaith adfer ar adeiladau rhestredig a newydd, dangos i chi bopeth sy’n digwydd yn y siop adeiladu, yn ogystal â chyfle i edmygu’r crefftwaith yn y gweithdai cerbyd.
Peidiwch â chymryd ein gair ni yn unig amdano, dyma adborth gan ymwelydd diweddar:
“Am brofiad gwych! Byddwn yn argymell hyn i bawb. Hyfryd oedd cael edrych o gwmpas Boston Lodge ar daith mor addysgiadol, ffraeth a difyr o gwmpas y gweithdai, cefais i, ynghyd ag eraill ar y daith, fy syfrdanu gan hanes pur y lle. Wedi mwynhau pob munud!” — Phil
Bydd y teithiau hyn am ddim i bawb, felly os ydych chi’n edmygu trenau stêm neu’n dim ond hefo diddordeb i weld beth sy’n digwydd yn y gweithdai, bydd rhywbeth I blesio pawb!
Sylwch fod rhai cyfyngiadau oedran a hygyrchedd yn berthnasol, mae rhagor o fanylion ar wefan yr CTLG: https://nlhfproject.festrail.co.uk/workshops/
Archebwch eich tocynnau drwy gysylltu â James Kindberg: jkindberg@ffwhr.com