There was a buzz of excitement around ‘Y Stesion’ in Caernarfon earlier this month, as the railway received the wonderful donation of a 1/12 scale Meccano model of a SAR class NGG16 Beyer Garratt locomotive!
The fantastic model measures 52 inches in length, 8 inches in width and 11 inches in height, and best of all it is designed to work… although it is currently a static display at the present moment!
The model, which will be on permanent display at Caernarfon Station, was built in 2005 by the late Peter Finney, who was a very gifted model maker as well as a fan of the railway. His wife Joan and the family decided that they would like it to be on display in a busy location, where it can receive the attention it deserves.
A group of Peter’s family and friends, including Peter Wood (Runnymede Meccano Guild) and Andrew Finney, travelled up from Southeast England to attend the formal donation ceremony, after which they took a ride on the Welsh Highland Railway before enjoying a buffet lunch.
The model is a great addition to Caernarfon Station and will give parents and grandparents an opportunity to explain to their children how much fun Meccano was in the ‘old days.’
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Peter Finney along with his family and friends very much for their generous donation and also Eleri Mottram (Station Manager) and Dafydd Thomas (WHR Society Chairman) who played an important part in organising the event.
Roedd bwrlwm o gyffro o gwmpas ‘Y Stesion’ yng Nghaernarfon yn gynharach y mis hwn, wrth i’r rheilffordd dderbyn y rhodd hyfryd o fodel Meccano graddfa 1/12 o locomotif Beyer Garratt dosbarth SAR NGG16!
Mae’r model gwych yn mesur 52 modfedd o hyd, 8 modfedd o led ac 11 modfedd o uchder, ac hefyd mae wedi’i gynllunio i weithio … er ei fod yn arddangosfa sefydlog ar hyn o bryd!
Adeiladwyd y model, a fydd yn cael ei arddangos yn barhaol yng Ngorsaf Caernarfon, yn 2005 gan yr ymadawedig Peter Finney, a oedd yn wneuthurwr modelau dawnus iawn yn ogystal â chefnogwr y rheilffordd. Penderfynodd ei wraig Joan a’r teulu yr hoffent iddo gael ei arddangos mewn lleoliad prysur, lle gall dderbyn y sylw y mae’n ei haeddu.
Teithiodd grŵp o deulu a ffrindiau Peter, gan gynnwys Peter Wood (Runnymede Meccano Guild) ac Andrew Finney, i fyny o Dde-ddwyrain Lloegr i fynychu’r seremoni rhoddion ffurfiol, ac wedi hynny aethant ar daith ar Reilffordd Eryri cyn mwynhau cinio bwffe.
Mae’r model yn ychwanegiad gwych i Orsaf Caernarfon a bydd yn rhoi cyfle i rieni a neiniau a theidiau esbonio i’w plant faint o hwyl oedd Meccano yn yr ‘hen ddyddiau.’
Hoffem achub ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch yn fawr iawn i Peter Finney ynghyd â’i deulu a’i ffrindiau am eu rhodd hael a hefyd Eleri Mottram (Rheolwr Gorsaf) a Dafydd Thomas (Cadeirydd Cymdeithas Eryri) a chwaraeodd ran bwysig yn trefnu’r digwyddiad.