Our railway is a rich environment for varied locomotives, rolling stock and all manner of engineering, much of it dating back to Victorian times.

Come along to meet experts to learn more about the details (as in all the details you could ever want!) behind our engineering marvels. These experiences will be a mixture of talks/theory and practical hands-on demonstrations in our historic workshops at Boston Lodge.

Workshops are provided free of charge. Thanks to the Interpretation & Boston Lodge Project, made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ffestiniog Railway Society and FfWHR Trust.

If you’re interested in these workshops – either for yourself or your group – but cannot attend at the publicised times, please do get in touch as we can probably accommodate some training at another suitable time.

What do I need to know before I come?

Boston Lodge is a working engineering site with rails and uneven surfaces throughout, often muddy in places and this is combined with frequent vehicle and train movements. For safety reasons it is therefore only suitable for people who are fully mobile without assistance and who’s sight is sufficient for them to see dangers themselves. Please watch this safety briefing before booking as it will help you understand what the site is like.

PPE will be provided as required for all workshops. Stout shoes (and ideally safety boots) are compulsory, along with sensible clothing for a workshop environment.

There is no catering on site but tea/coffee and soft drinks are provided (in limitless amounts!).


If you need local accommodation, please try our Volunteer Hostel which provides great value and a chance to meet other volunteers. Please make these bookings yourself. Details can be found here.


If you’re interested in these workshops – either for yourself or your group – but cannot attend at the publicised times, please do get in touch (Iain Wilkinson) as we may be able to accommodate other dates. To book your workshop place, please email Iain Wilkinson stating which workshop you would like to book.

Mae ein rheilffordd yn amgylchedd â chyfoeth o  locomotifau amrywiol, cerbydau a phob math o waith peirianneg, llawer ohono’n dyddio’n ôl i oes Fictoria.

Dewch draw i gwrdd â’r arbenigwyr i ddysgu mwy am y manylion (yr holl fanylion y gallech chi erioed fod eu hangen!) y tu ôl i’n rhyfeddodau peirianyddol. Bydd y profiadau hyn yn gymysgedd o sgyrsiau/theori ac arddangosiadau ymarferol yn ein safleoedd gwaith hanesyddol yn Boston Lodge.

Darperir gweithdai yn rhad ac am ddim. Diolch i’r Prosiect Dehongli a Boston Lodge, a wnaed yn bosibl gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol, Cymdeithas Rheilffordd Ffestiniog ac Ymddiriedolaeth FfWHR.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb yn y gweithdai hyn – naill ai i chi’ch hun neu i’ch grŵp – ond na allwch fynychu ar yr adegau a nodir, cysylltwch â ni gan y gallwn o bosibl ddarparu rhywfaint o hyfforddiant ar adeg arall sy’n addas i chi.

Beth sydd angen i mi ei wybod cyn i mi gyrraedd?

Mae Boston Lodge yn safle peirianneg gweithredol gyda chledrau ac arwynebau anwastad ac yn aml mae’n fwdlyd mewn rhai llefydd. Mae hyn yn ogystal â symudiadau cerbydau a threnau sy’n digwydd yn aml. Am resymau diogelwch, dim ond ar gyfer pobl sy’n gallu symud o gwmpas heb gymorth ac sy’n gallu gweld peryglon eu hunain y mae’n addas. Gwyliwch y briff diogelwch hwn cyn archebu lle gan y bydd yn eich helpu i ddeall sut le yw’r safle.

Darperir PPE yn ôl yr angen ar gyfer pob gweithdy. Mae esgidiau cadarn (ac esgidiau diogelwch yn ddelfrydol) yn orfodol, ynghyd â dillad addas ar gyfer bod mewn safle gwaith.

Nid oes cyfleusterau arlwyo ar y safle ond darperir digonedd o de/coffi a diodydd meddal.


Os oes angen llety lleol arnoch, ystyriwch ein Hostel i Wirfoddolwyr sy’n rhoi gwerth gwych am arian ac yn rhoi’r cyfle ichi gwrdd â gwirfoddolwyr eraill. Dylech archebu lle eich hun yn yr Hostel. Gellir dod o hyd i’r manylion yma.

Archebu Lle

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb yn y gweithdai hyn – naill ai i chi’ch hun neu eich grŵp – ond na allwch fynychu ar yr adegau a nodir, cysylltwch â ni (Iain Wilkinson) gan y gallwn o bosibl ddarparu ar gyfer dyddiadau eraill. I archebu lle ar weithdy, anfonwch e-bost at Iain Wilkinson yn nodi pa weithdy yr hoffech chi archebu lle arno.
