Minffordd Yard Developments
Status - A significant number of new storage and operational buildings completed.
Future phases include heritage tableaux and infrastructure train storage facilities.
Minffordd Yard provides facilities for much of the work that goes on behind the scenes around the railways. After fifty years of continuous extensions to the line this space was overrun with old materials and dilapidated buildings. Over the last six years persistent efforts have been made to clear up and provide space for much needed new development.
Two modern storage sheds for important signalling materials, archive items, building and electrical stores have been built and fitted out. The Ffestiniog Railway Society has funded a splendid new multi-purpose building with workshops, mess facilities, spaces for an extensive pattern loft and commercial department storage.
A large new shed which enables us to store all of our 200 strong heritage waggon fleet stored undercover is now complete.
Works to complete a third phase ensuring the lineside work gangs have effective storage space for their equipment and facilities for bulk handling materials are now in prospect. This work will then allow the heritage features in the yard to be restored. These include the unique low level exchange sidings, the large goods shed currently deteriorating badly after many years use and the area with old track formation covered over behind the Maenofferen shed.
Update - November 2018
We have completed a significant number of new storage and operational buildings. We have completed the full restoration of the historic goods shed and we are looking forward to future phases including heritage tableaux and infrastructure train storage facilities.
Workshop hand over:
Exterior of new workshops:
Goods shed roof nearing completion:
Interior of Waggon Tracks shed: